
March 31, 2020

Why Cloud Computing Is Important For Business

In the last few years, you may have heard the term “cloud computing” more and more frequently. But what is cloud computing, and how can it benefit your company?   What Is Cloud Computing?   Simply put, cloud computing is the availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without active management by the user (your company). […]
February 28, 2020

How Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Can Benefit Your Business

For both small and large businesses, managing business tech is a sizable undertaking and one that can’t be ignored. In an increasingly digital world, businesses and clients rely on both internal and client-facing tech to operate. It is an integral part of virtually any business that can make everyone’s lives easier but can also cause major headaches. To reduce instances […]
January 23, 2020

How to Future Proof Your Business IT

It’s common for today’s businesses to find themselves in an IT predicament — utilizing current technology and modernizing business IT is essential, but keeping up with fast-moving innovation is difficult. Advancements in technology happen so quickly that by the time a new system is implemented it may already be surpassed by newer technology. Fortunately, it is possible to avoid this […]
January 15, 2020

Ransomware Defined and its Effects on Your Business

The 2019 Official Annual Cybercrime Report (ACR) predicts that businesses will fall prey to damaging ransomware attacks every 14 seconds. That means every minute, several businesses will experience a cyberattack that can cost time, revenue, and even has the potential to shut down a business completely. Preventing cybercrimes, including ransomware attacks, should be an integral part of every business’ cybersecurity protocol.   […]