SingularisIT CloudStations Make IT Simple
What if you could use any laptop, computer, or tablet to login to YOUR FAMILIAR DESKTOP, with all the settings, software, and files you rely on every day, just where you need them?
That’s the idea behind SingularisIT’s CloudStations.
The amazing thing is, it’s more practical and affordable than you imagine, with CONVENIENT ACCESS from anywhere Internet service is available.
Add users without the hassle of provisioning new computers.
Enjoy exceptional virus and malware protection.
Secure, backed up, redundant systems for reliability.
Permissions based logins restrict user access as needed.
Make your entire workforce more mobile/responsive.
Best of all, a managed desktop service in the cloud can COST LESS than maintaining, upgrading, and provisioning your own fleet of laptops and desktops, year in and year out.
A Closer Look at Remote Access
With Remote Desktop as a Service (RDaaS), you no longer need to invest in the latest hardware or installing complicated applications. Instead, we manage a cloud-based desktop experience for your employees or end-users.They JUST LOGIN and get to work.
We manage all maintenance of hardware, software, and system security. We deploy new software, applications, and patches. Updates can be done in minutes instead of days.
Our RDaaS system SCALES QUICKLY when adding new employees, services, and software.
At SingularisIT, our CloudStations provide a quick, agile, and SECURE way to launch and manage applications. All software runs as smoothly as if it were installed on your employees’ personal desktop.
Software upgrades and migrations often force organizations to consider expensive upgrades of their servers, desktops, and laptops. With RDaaS, you can REUSE HARDWARE and extend the life of IT investments you’ve already made.

Backups and Redundancy in the Cloud
With Singularis CloudStations, organizations can centralize updates remotely, benefiting from continuous data backup and synchronization. We provide a ready-made DISASTER RECOVERY strategy to get desktops up and running quickly after any disaster.RDaaS is a Secure Solution
When using Singularis CloudStations, your organization’s data is not sent to or stored on local computers; it remains in the Singularis Cloud. We can even RESTRICT USERS’ ability to save files on their computer, as well as control access to applications, documents, and web browsers.If you have a compliance plan to adhere to, CloudStations can make it easy!
As you know, personal computers in a business environment can be (and often are) hacked, lost, or stolen. Singularis CloudStations addresses this issue amazingly well. If there is NO SENSITIVE INFROMATION stored on a local hard drive, or if there is no hard drive at all, there isn’t any data to steal!
Traditional PCs and laptops also face the threat of users downloading malicious files and viruses, infecting not only their machines but possibly your entire network.
Our CloudStations are quite difficult for viruses to infiltrate through remote displays, adding a NEW LAYER OF PROTECTION for your business.
Pay as You Go, User Based Pricing
A key benefit of virtual desktops, compared with traditional workstations, is the DRAMATICALLY REDUCED total cost of ownership (TCO).Remote Desktop as a Service reduces your hardware Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) annually and lowers the Operating Expenditure (OPEX) annually by 56%.
On average, a virtual desktop costs 2X LESS than a traditional PC due to its longer life, the absence of a local hard disk, and reduced power consumption.
Singularis CloudStations allow you to PAY AS YOU GO, and user-based pricing ensures that you only pay for the applications that people use.
Interested in learning more about the AMAZING security and convenience of RDaaS?