In a cloud desktop environment, what you think of as “your computer” is hosted at a data center and delivered to the local device you are using over the Internet.
That makes your familiar computer desktop available to you anywhere, across a range of devices, even your phone. Best of all, the advantages to a remote desktop service are greater than you think.
At SingularisIT, our CloudStation solutions are designed to be customized and scale quickly to your individual business needs.
SingularisIT CloudStations are a part of our managed desktop offering, Remote Desktop as a Service (RDaas).
Today’s IT environment can become unmanageably complex. Software upgrades and migrations often force business users to upgrade their machines, including the expense of new servers, desktops, and laptops.
With a CloudStation, the device you use doesn’t even need a hard drive.
When your business IT infrastructure exists at the data center, the threat from hacking, viruses, and malware are vastly reduced. At the same time, the ability for employees and teams to collaborate and share resources and data becomes more mobile and responsive.
We believe the best IT infrastructure is one you don’t notice or think about; it simply serves you and your business reliably, day in and day out. In the absence of hassles, aggravation, and limitations, we free your teams to do business rather than struggle with technology.
Like any business solution, Remote Desk as a Service (RDaas) must prove itself as a business advantage. Your return on investment is delivered across a range of fronts: