The Benefits of Regulatory Compliance for Your Business

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The Benefits of Regulatory Compliance for Your Business

Today, many businesses face the threat of fines and penalties if they fail to comply with specific regulatory requirements. For example, did you know that if your business stores personal or sensitive data on hard drives in an unsecured facility, you must disclose that fact to your customers? A lack of compliance with any given regulation can have serious consequences, such as hefty fines or, worse, going out of business entirely. Fortunately, cloud-first managed services can help you comply with the most critical regulations affecting your industry. Here’s why…




Security is a topic that businesses cannot ignore in this day and age. As the cloud becomes more commonplace, it is imperative to consider compliance with a regulatory framework such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).




In the past, if you didn’t have access to a device or network, you couldn’t get any work done. Connectivity has changed everything. You can connect virtually anywhere with an internet connection and do most of your work on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The only difference is that it takes longer when you are disconnected from the internet. Today’s connectivity means your employees will never be more than an arm’s length away from their laptop or tablet. In addition, they’ll never have to worry about losing information because a backup system is always in place.


Legacy Systems


If you have legacy systems, you should closely examine how complying with regulations will affect your IT operations. For example, suppose a system is down because it’s been removed or disabled to comply with compliance regulations. In that case, it might not be inconvenient for the office that can’t access data. On the other hand, a system crash on such a system could cause your company to lose customer or employee information. Therefore, a disaster recovery plan and backup are essential parts of any business strategy. In addition, legacy systems present unique challenges when they need to be replaced by new technology or updated.

Legacy systems are often expensive and time-consuming to update and maintain due to outdated hardware and software components. Therefore, companies need to have a plan in place before they go offline. If not, they might have outages during this time, which would mean less work and less money.


Hybrid Cloud Solutions


A hybrid cloud solution has both public and private components. One advantage to this arrangement is that users have the option to deploy on whichever platform is most suitable for their needs. For instance, some company data may need to be stored in a private cloud, while others can be handled through a public cloud service. As a result, hybrid cloud solutions are best-suited to enterprise-level companies with critical infrastructure that needs high availability and protection against various hazards.




Regulatory compliance is often considered an obstacle to innovation, but it’s a critical aspect of ensuring the success and scalability of your business. Staying compliant makes your company more efficient, increases productivity, and saves money—leading to increased profitability over time. It also enables you to scale your business by taking advantage of opportunities when they arise. You can also expand into new markets because regulatory compliance can be part of a global strategy that gives companies the confidence to do business anywhere in the world.


Compliance with Security, Privacy, and Regulation Regulations


Compliance with security, privacy, and regulatory regulations helps to safeguard your data, keep confidential information from leaking, and comply with regulatory requirements. As a result, these compliance regulations will help protect the integrity of your company, save time and money, and avoid incurring hefty fines or other sanctions. With more industries following suit by adopting cloud-first practices, companies realize that embracing the cloud is no longer just about saving money but also complying with regulations.


Final Thoughts


Singularis IT aims to provide you with a complete and comprehensive managed hosting services experience, with customer compliance as a fundamental part of our service; security, privacy, and regulatory compliance so your organization can focus on what it does best.

Contact us today to learn more about our managed services for small businesses. Or check out our website for more information about some of these technologies’ key features and benefits.