Managed IT vs. In-House IT – What’s Best For Your Business?

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Managed IT vs. In-House IT – What’s Best For Your Business?

In today’s world, IT plays a role in nearly every business. Some companies have a huge IT team and seemingly endless IT infrastructure, while others only use a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. For companies both large and small and/or get paid.


When determining how your business should structure its IT to allow it to be convenient, efficient, and cost-effective, there are several factors to consider. One of the first things to decide is whether your business requires in-house IT, managed IT, or even a combination of both. Each option has its own strengths, depending on your business’ individual needs and expectations. Making this important decision can provide a strong foundation for your entire IT plan, today and in the future.


IT should be cost-effective


However you choose to structure your business IT structure, a primary concern should be its cost-effectiveness. To determine whether managed IT or in-house IT is more cost-effective, it’s a simple as looking at the costs involved with each option. Hiring an in-house IT person or team means that those people devote all of their time and skills to your business and you have their full attention. But, that comes with a cost. Your business will be responsible for salaries, benefits, and all of the requirements for hiring an additional employee or employees.


On the other hand, choosing a managed hosting provider (MHP) allows you access to a scalable team of experts, whenever you need them. Your MHP can provide you with a plan that fits your business in terms of both need and cost, balancing the two without hiring additional employees. In addition, because of the established IT resources of an MHP, you may have access to more advanced tools and services that would be unaffordable to purchase outright.


You need IT experts


As vast as our IT requirements have become, IT professionals are expected to be experts in a wide range of systems and subjects. Hiring a single IT person can be challenging as there are bound to be some gaps in their knowledge or expertise. You may invest in training a person or team, and that person may not be the right fit for your business or may leave to go elsewhere for a number of reasons. In this case, you’re right back to square one.


With Managed IT, it the responsibility of your hosting provider to maintain a team of experts that’s up-to-date on current trends and information. They have a wide range of knowledge and innovation, a bonus that comes with working with other companies and industries. Equipped with their expertise and fresh perspective, they could bring new innovation to your business vertical and allow your IT to push your business beyond your expectations.


Reliability and resources


Employing a single IT person or even a small team can limit availability in case of an emergency. If your technology fails after business hours when your IT staff member or team is not on-site to fix the problem, this could leave you vulnerable to costly downtime. While in-house IT allows for on-site contact, which offers convenience, it is only as reliable as the person or team that is responsible.


An MHP offers a reliable, expert team that in many instances is available 24x7x365. With provided services, your chances of downtime are minimal to none. An MHP’s business depends on its service and reliability and they should do their absolute best to be available when and where you need them. In addition, round the clock, proactive monitoring and service is the norm for reliable managed hosting providers.


The bottom line


So, what does this comparison of in-house IT vs. managed IT mean for your business? While only you can determine what is best for your business, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of each option. If you’re on the fence, SingularisIT offers a range of options in business IT services. Our goal of providing affordable, White-Glove IT tailored to your needs. This means that not only are our top-notch services completely scalable and customizable, but we are also happy to work with your existing IT team and infrastructure to produce the best possible IT plan for your business.